This Easy Potato Soup recipe is the real deal. Shared with me from the granddaughter of an Idaho potato farmer, this homemade soup is creamy, thick, and...
You can use any kind of meat to make these dead-simple scaloppine - veal, turkey, chicken, pork, even beef if you can find pieces thin enough. Cook them...
This pan seared halibut recipe with lemon butter sauce takes just 20 minutes... which you'd never guess with how fancy pan fried halibut looks. I'll...
Best Hamburger Patty Recipe - Thick or thin, made on the grill or stovetop, this is the best and easiest all-purpose recipe for perfect hamburger patties...
Simple pasta primavera with roasted vegetables and dressed in a light sauce using the pasta cooking water, extra virgin olive oil, lemon zest and a little...
Making a compound of unsalted butter and the salty, fungal deliciousness of Japanese miso paste is a surefire way of adding immense flavor to a simple...
It takes less than 30 minutes and just one pan to make this healthy creamy lemon chicken with asparagus. It's perfect for busy weeknights and is super...
These Chicken Kabobs are made with chicken breasts, a flavorful chicken kabob marinade and vegetables. This colorful meal is easy to make on the grill...
This authentic pork chile verde recipe will rival any you find in a Mexican restaurant! Tender pieces of pork slow cooked with a fantastic homemade green...
You can make a delicious, authentic Paella--the most popular dish of Spain--in your own kitchen with simple ingredients like rice, saffron, vegetables,...
A traditional Cuban roasted pork recipe that is very simple, yet packed with tons of flavor! There is nothing to this pork except an amazing marinade,...
This recipe for takeout-style orange beef is a variation on one the Brooklyn chef Dale Talde included in his new cookbook, "Asian-American: Proudly Inauthentic...
This White Chicken Chili is hearty, warming, creamy and perfectly comforting. It's a great alternative to traditional beef chili and makes a simple, yet...
A Palestinian tradition, maqluba means "upside down" in Arabic and is a pot of stewed meat, rice and fried vegetables, cooked and flipped onto a serving...